above,down,big,below,bird,across,in or at a higher place; up across,run,below,outside,street,against,from one side to the other afraid,happy,sad,angry,safe,laugh,feeling fear; frightened again,first,almost,end,clock,day,once more; a second time ahead,rear,last,behind,fast,win,in or to the front; forward almost,done,finish,perfect,empty,end,very nearly but not completely alone,together,come,along,attend,few,away from anything or anyone else animal,wind,rock,leaf,fruit,water,any living being that can move about by itself, has sense organs, and does not make its own food as a plant does another,none,any,many,full,every,one more any,every,all,two,whole,four,one, no matter which one, out of three or more apartment,office,bed,sink,door,hall,a single large room or a group of rooms used to live in apple,banana,blueberry,strawberry,peanut,ball,a round, firm fruit with red, yellow, or green skin asleep,awake,snore,wish,hope,bedroom,in a condition of sleep; sleeping aunt,ant,uncle,cousin,grandmother,daughter,a sister of one's mother or father baby,brother,sister,boy,girl,crib,a very young child bad,perfect,best,sad,danger,right,not good; not what it should be ball,fruit,box,hat,soccer,cube,any round object balloon,sack,bird,pillow,kite,airplane,a large bag that floats high above the ground when it is filled with hot air or a special gas bang,rub,loud,music,bend,soft,to hit hard and make a noise bark,root,leaf,soil,flower,green,the outside covering of the trunk and branches of a tree barn,house,garage,ranch,shack,hut,a farm building for sheltering cows and other animals and for storing farm machines and crops bat,stick,branch,twig,cane,base,a wooden club used to hit the ball in games such as baseball or softball bath,rub,shine,soap,dust,sweep,the act of washing something in water bed,table,desk,counter,dresser,stool,a piece of furniture for sleeping or resting on bee,be,ant,beetle,ladybug,butterfly,an insect that has four wings, a hairy body and, sometimes, a stinger begin,soon,early,first,before,end,to start to do, act, or go; get under way beginning,end,last,before,after,late,the first part behind,before,rise,leg,front,top,in or to the rear or back believe,story,lie,promise,false,poem,to accept as true or real bell,flute,guitar,piano,violin,music,a hollow, metal object that makes a ringing sound when it is struck berry,leaf,stem,plum,peach,cherry,a small, juicy fruit that has many seeds beside,far,down,big,below,above,by the side of; close to big,small,loud,heavy,important,weight,of great size; large birthday,Friday,celebrate,year,party,hour,the day on which a person is born or something begins bite,tooth,smell,touch,hear,swallow,to seize, snap at, or cut with the teeth or with parts like jaws block,ball,triangle,cylinder,shape,corner,a thick piece of wood, stone, metal, or other material that usually has flat sides book,bundle,read,poster,box,letter,a group of sheets of paper that are fastened together at one side, between protective covers bounce,throw,walk,run,fly,catch,to hit against a surface so as to spring back box,band,string,rope,table,grab,a container for holding or carrying things brave,coward,curious,careless,helpless,scared,willing to face danger, pain, or trouble; not afraid break,brake,fix,sew,knock,mend,to come or make come apart by force; split or crack sharply into pieces breakfast,dinner,lunch,snack,food,juice,the first meal of the day build,glue,carry,break,load,model,to make by putting together materials or parts burn,smoke,wood,spark,match,ash,to be on fire; blaze bush,branch,flower,leaf,root,soil,a plant with a woody stem, smaller than a tree butter,jelly,milk,water,sour,cheese,the yellow fat gotten by churning cream buy,by,sell,bill,brought,store,to get by paying money or something else cage,rod,chest,basket,attic,zoo,a box or closed-off space with the sides made of wires or bars cake,ham,potato,candy,egg,flour,a baked food that is made from a sweetened and flavored batter calf,lamb,puppy,kid,kitten,colt,a young cow or bull camp,nature,woods,forest,house,city,a group of tents, huts, or other rough shelters to live in for a time candle,candy,beehive,lantern,lamp,puppet,a piece of wax with a wick through its center car,boat,airplane,cart,train,bicycle,an automobile card,cart,book,edge,box,cloth,a flat piece of cardboard or stiff paper, often having something printed on it carry,drop,throw,catch,gather,keep,to take from one place to another catch,throw,drop,robber,run,escape,to take hold of, especially after a chase; capture chair,sofa,table,car,shelf,tub,a piece of furniture that is a seat for one person and has a back and usually four legs chase,run,walk,crawl,drive,ride,to go after or keep following in order to catch or harm cherry,banana,blueberry,strawberry,peanut,tomato,a smooth, round fruit with a sweet, juicy part covering a hard stone chicken,ostrich,sheep,robin,owl,eagle,a common farm bird that is raised for its eggs and meat; hen or rooster city,village,street,building,block,office,a large, important town, usually with many thousands or millions of people clean,water,sink,rag,dust,earth,not dirty or soiled clever,foolish,slow,silly,mind,brain,quick in thinking or learning; smart climb,crawl,walk,run,slide,leg,to go up by using the feet and often the hands close,rip,far,break,door,gate,to make no longer open; shut clothes,close,weave,sew,thread,coat,cloth or other material made up in different shapes and styles to wear on the body come,run,leap,climb,chase,away,to move from "there" to "here" cook,freeze,wash,cut,mix,stir,to prepare food for eating by using heat count,last,first,signal,line,plan,to name numbers in a regular order cover,under,open,attic,wrap,hide,to place one thing over another crawl,run,jump,leap,hike,walk,to move along the ground on the hands and knees in the way that a baby does cream,water,sour,skim,cheese,lunch,the oily, yellowish part of milk that rises to the top and contains the fat that is made into butter cry,laugh,smile,sniffle,eyes,frown,to show sorrow, pain, or other strong feelings by sobbing or shedding tears cut,bend,bang,needle,sew,scissors,to make an opening in with a knife or other sharp tool dark,bright,sunny,sad,fog,cloud,having little or no light day,night,noon,evening,morning,hour,the time of light between sunrise and sunset deep,shallow,surface,closet,floor,hide,reaching far down, far in, or far back diner,super,supper,lunch,breakfast,snack,a person eating dinner dinner,snack,super,bread,water,food,the main meal of the day dirty,water,bath,soap,shine,polish,not clean; needing to be washed dish,jar,napkin,spoon,fork,box,a plate, bowl, saucer, or other container that is used to serve food at the table dog,beaver,raccoon,deer,cat,cow,a meat-eating animal that is related to the fox and the wolf doll,game,play,bicycle,ball,mitt,a toy that is made to look like a person donkey,cow,sheep,giraffe,goat,elephant,an animal that is like a horse but smaller and with longer ears down,up,rise,in,ahead,out,from a higher to a lower place duck,robin,owl,chicken,eagle,turkey,a swimming bird that has a flat bill, short legs, and webbed feet ear,eye,hair,mouth,nose,tongue,either one of the two organs in the head with which a human being or an animal hears sounds early,late,fast,last,before,end,near the beginning of something; soon after the start easy,puzzle,mystery,important,kind,impossible,not hard to do, learn, or get; not difficult eat,food,fork,meal,drink,candy,to put into the mouth, chew, and swallow elevator,well,stair,hall,basement,door,a platform or box for carrying people and things up and down, in a building, mine, or other place empty,full,box,basket,out,off,having nothing or no one in it end,late,slow,lose,before,begin,the last part; finish enough,few,less,more,empty,great,as much or as many as needed or wanted excite,calm,love,hate,laugh,anger,to cause strong feeling in; stir up eye,ear,brow,mouth,nose,camera,the part of the body that a human being or an animal uses to see face,hair,neck,throat,elbow,ankle,the front part of the head, including the eyes, nose, and mouth fall,behind,rise,in,ahead,out,to drop to a lower place; come down family,mother,father,brother,sister,cousin,a group that is made up of one or two parents and all their children farm,barn,house,garage,shed,country,a piece of land, with the house and other buildings on it, that is used for raising crops or animals fast,delay,soon,early,stir,turn,moving or doing something at high speed feather,scale,fur,hair,claw,nail,one of the soft, light parts that grow out of the skin of birds, covering the body and filling out the wings and tail feed,swallow,drink,fruit,lunch,snack,to give food to feel,smell,hear,see,taste,soft,to touch in order to find out something few,great,amount,big,light,low,not many; a small number of field,forest,jungle,ocean,lake,feel,a wide piece of open land without many trees fill,empty,out,off,on,pour,to put as much as possible into; make full find,lose,treasure,fine,win,hunt,to come upon by chance; discover finish,after,before,behind,win,soon,to bring or come to an end; complete fire,smoke,wood,paper,coal,ash,the heat and light of something burning fit,large,small,loose,short,tight,to be the right size or shape for flash,dim,night,dark,cloud,bang,to send out short and bright bursts of light floor,wall,roof,cellar,attic,hall,the surface of a room that a person stands or walks on fly,walk,run,perch,leap,fall,to move through the air by using wings foot,ankle,finger,knee,walk,run,the end part of the leg of a person or animal, on which it stands or moves fox,mouse,kitten,deer,beaver,skunk,a wild animal that has a pointed nose, a bushy tail, and, usually, reddish-brown fur friend,enemy,stranger,baby,child,driver,a person whom one knows well and likes front,bottom,back,behind,first,top,the part that faces forward; most important side fruit,leaf,stem,root,branch,bark,the part of a flowering plant that contains the seeds full,empty,out,off,on,pour,holding or containing as much as possible; filled fun,sad,smile,anger,circus,laugh,a happy or joyful time funny,sad,cartoon,clown,teeth,mouth,causing smiles or laughter; amusing fur,fir,skin,scale,claw,nail,the soft, thick hair that covers many animals garden,beach,street,forest,playground,ocean,a piece of ground where flowers or vegetables are grown game,toy,play,ball,win,lose,a sport or contest that is carried on according to rules by persons or teams playing against one another gate,window,brick,chain,stone,open,a door in a fence or an outside wall get,give,sell,brought,store,carry,to become the owner of by receiving, buying, or earning give,take,grab,hold,grasp,catch,to pass or hand over to another glad,proud,hopeful,concern,bother,help,feeling or showing joy; happy or pleased goose,ostrich,owl,chicken,eagle,turkey,a swimming bird that is like a duck but has a larger body and a longer neck grass,field,flower,tree,root,branch,the common green plants with narrow, pointed leaves that cover lawns and meadows grin,frown,clown,slap,smell,eat,to draw back the lips and show the teeth in a big happy or foolish smile ground,sky,hill,country,ocean,mountain,the solid part of the earth's surface; land; earth guess,truth,sure,real,wrong,safe,to judge or decide about something without having enough facts to know for certain hair,hare,string,claw,feather,scale,one of the thin growths, like threads, from the skin of animals and human beings hand,foot,leg,head,skin,hair,the part of the body that is at the end of the arm happy,proud,hopeful,concern,bother,help,feeling or showing pleasure or joy; glad or content hard,rub,loud,bang,heavy,weight,not easy to cut, bend, or crush; not soft hay,root,tree,stem,trunk,leaf,grass, clover, and other similar plants that have been cut and dried for feeding animals head,hair,neck,shoulder,chest,forehead,the part of the body that contains the brain, eyes, ears, nose, and mouth hear,here,see,smell,touch,taste,to receive sound through the ears heavy,weight,scale,whole,important,big,weighing a great deal high,short,small,loud,heavy,important,reaching a long distance up; tall hill,field,ocean,hole,well,valley,a rounded area of the earth that is higher than the land around it hold,give,hide,bring,drop,hug,to take and keep in the hands or arms hole,whole,hill,plug,cap,sew,an opening in or through something; a break or tear home,office,garage,barn,city,country,the place where one lives; one's house or apartment horse,hoarse,deer,goat,cow,lamb,a large, strong animal with four legs, solid hoofs, and a flowing mane and tail house,office,barn,zoo,garage,store,a building for people to live in hurry,wait,walk,car,slow,slide,to move or act quickly or too quickly hurt,heal,bother,sick,cure,touch,to cause pain or harm to; to wound idea,brain,clever,learn,smart,foolish,something that a person thinks, imagines, or knows; a picture in the mind igloo,shed,fort,barn,house,cave,a dome-shaped hut built from blocks of snow inside,outside,top,bottom,edge,rim,the side or part that is within join,apart,handle,rip,pound,bend,to bring together; connect or fasten joke,puzzle,silly,cartoon,write,read,something that a person says or does to get a laugh keep,give,pass,take,throw,drop,to have or hold and not let go key,cage,bar,chain,rope,zoo,a small piece of metal that is cut in a special way so that it can open or close a lock kick,punch,hit,pinch,poke,tickle,to strike with the foot kitchen,stove,oven,counter,sink,supermarket,a room for preparing and cooking food kitten,puppy,lamb,kid,baby,calf,a young cat know,guess,wrong,mistake,open,think,to be sure of or have the facts about lake,hill,puddle,mud,sand,beach,a large body of water surrounded by land lamb,calf,puppy,kid,kitten,baby,a young sheep land,cloud,lake,sea,river,swamp,the solid part of the earth's surface large,small,important,weight,heavy,loud,being of great size or amount last,first,second,middle,finish,lost,being or coming after all others late,first,early,soon,before,fast,happening or coming after the usual or expected time leave,come,across,walk,run,ride,to go away or go from leg,hand,arm,fingers,neck,waist,one of the parts of the body that is used for standing and walking letter,pen,paper,ink,pencil,period,a mark used in writing or printing that stands for a speech sound line,dot,circle,thick,short,point,a long, thin mark lion,fox,zebra,wolf,giraffe,elephant,a large, strong animal that is related to the cat and lives in Africa and Asia little,light,weight,heavy,tall,empty,small in size; not large or big live,smell,breathe,hear,see,touch,to have life; be alive long,circle,tiny,heavy,weigh,ruler,measuring from end to end or from beginning to end; not short look,hear,listen,smell,taste,touch,to turn or aim one's eyes in order to see loud,whisper,hum,talk,hard,music,strong in sound; not soft or quiet low,long,big,length,fall,drop,reaching only a short distance up; not high or tall lunch,super,launch,snack,food,sandwich,a meal eaten in the middle of the day, between breakfast and dinner machine,horse,wheel,handle,car,movement,a thing made up of fixed and moving parts, for doing some kind of work many,amount,several,small,high,tall,a large number of; not few merry,red,sad,holiday,smile,marry,filled with fun and laughter; lively and cheerful monkey,fish,duck,owl,chicken,frog,any of a group of furry animals that usually have a flat, hairless face and a long tail morning,night,sunset,evening,afternoon,clock,the early part of the day, from midnight to noon or, especially, from sunrise to noon mouse,elephant,donkey,skunk,raccoon,bat,a small, furry animal that has small ears, a long, thin, almost hairless tail, and a pointed nose mud,sand,soil,puddle,glue,rain,wet earth that is soft and sticky nail,hammer,board,glue,build,beam,a narrow, pointed piece of metal with a flat head. It is hammered into pieces of wood or other material to hold them together name,voice,sound,speak,tell,call,the word or words by which a person, animal, thing, or place is known neck,forehead,cheek,mouth,tongue,nose,the part of a human being or animal that joins the head to the body need,food,full,water,house,give,something that one wants or must have neighbor,teacher,relative,friend,parent,doctor,a person who lives near another nest,tree,branch,leaf,flower,crib,the place built by a bird for laying its eggs and caring for its young never,often,later,after,before,last,at no time; not ever next,far,end,last,distant,wide,coming just before or just after; nearest or closest nice,mouse,concern,thoughtless,helpful,cookie,pleasant; delightful night,day,moon,clock,noon,morning,the time of darkness between sunset and sunrise nose,eye,ear,teeth,hair,cheek,the part of the face above the mouth that has the two openings for smelling and breathing now,never,past,before,hour,later,at this moment; at the present time once,twice,again,second,later,repeat,one time open,door,window,brick,gate,fence,not closed, shut, covered, or stopped up owl,duck,ostrich,goose,robin,bluebird,a bird that has a large head, large eyes, a short, hooked beak, and sharp claws painter,carpenter,teacher,child,musician,friend,a person whose work is painting houses, walls, and other things pair,pare,pear,sock,mitten,scissors,two things of the same kind that are used together; set of two party,work,birthday,holiday,race,class,a gathering of people to have a good time paw,toe,finger,hand,tail,fin,the foot of a four-footed animal that has claws people,life,animal,relative,stranger,classmate,human beings; persons pet,wild,jungle,pest,farm,herd,an animal that is tamed and kept as a companion or treated in a fond way play,work,race,run,game,win,to have fun; amuse oneself pond,ocean,swamp,sea,river,marsh,a small lake, often one that is man-made rather than natural pony,zebra,dog,deer,wolf,fox,a type of small horse print,kick,lick,color,mail,check,a mark that is made on a surface by pressing or stamping prize,play,ball,toy,surprise,fun,something that is offered or given to a winner of a contest or game pull,run,hit,handle,pinch,beat,to use force in order to move something, especially to bring it closer puppy,kitten,lamb,kid,baby,calf,a young dog push,run,hit,handle,pinch,beat,to press against in order to move; shove put,hold,grab,keep,grasp,take,to cause to be in a certain place or position; place quack,bark,coo,rattle,whinny,purr,the sound a duck makes quick,slow,soon,early,stir,turn,done with speed rabbit,chipmunk,rat,mouse,kitten,squirrel,a burrowing animal that has soft fur, long ears, and a very short tail race,game,play,win,work,car,a contest to see who can go fastest rain,snow,ice,cloud,wind,flood,water that falls to the earth in drops ready,slow,wait,later,after,before,prepared to act or to be used at once real,guess,story,false,idea,think,not imagined; actual; true red,green,blue,yellow,white,black,having the color of blood or a ripe cherry ride,sleep,lay,push,pull,carry,to sit on and make move along river,sea,swamp,marsh,harbor,pond,a large, natural stream of water flowing into an ocean, a lake, or another large stream roll,push,pull,carry,leave,bring,to move by turning over and over roof,floor,attic,room,basement,chimney,the outside top covering of a building root,stem,leaf,roof,branch,bark,the part of a plant that grows into the ground row,circle,dot,scatter,litter,wait,a number of people or things that are placed in a line rub,pull,bath,dust,shake,push,to move a hand, cloth, or other thing back and forth over run,crawl,foot,stroll,hike,step,to go by moving the legs faster than in walking sad,hungry,glad,tired,peace,delight,feeling unhappy safe,accident,happy,rich,pain,allow,free from harm or danger sand,stone,pebble,boulder,soil,dirt,tiny, loose grains worn away from rock by the weather. They form the ground of beaches or deserts say,cry,sob,hum,whistle,sneeze,to speak or pronounce school,hotel,farm,office,factory,shed,a place, usually a special building, for teaching and learning seat,bed,table,shelf,counter,stove,a chair, bench, or other thing to sit on seed,stem,leaf,branch,trunk,root,the part of a flowering plant that is able to grow into a new plant sell,by,shop,gift,bought,store,to give in return for money shoe,sock,glove,hose,lace,tights,an outer covering for the foot, often made of leather short,tall,inch,light,ruler,empty,not measuring much from end to end; not long or not long enough shovel,hammer,nail,ax,knife,scissors,a tool with a broad scoop and a handle show,shoe,snow,hide,seem,hunt,to bring into sight; allow to be seen silly,guess,smart,clever,judge,smile,not showing or having good sense; foolish; not wise sky,breeze,cloud,land,dirt,wind,the upper part of the air around the earth, especially when referring to its appearance sleep,sit,stand,snore,shut,lie,a condition of rest for the body and mind in which the eyes stay closed slow,speed,after,finish,late,before,not fast or quick in moving, working, or acting in any way small,light,weight,tall,much,less,little in size; not large or big smile,wink,happy,frown,yawn,sneeze,an expression of the face that is made by making the corners of the mouth turn up snow,rain,show,wind,fog,cloud,soft, white flakes that form from drops of water that freeze in the upper air and fall to earth soft,knife,destroy,melt,ruin,solid,not hard or firm; easy to bend, crush, or cut song,voice,dance,note,hum,whistle,a piece of music for singing start,before,first,after,end,finish,to begin to go, do, or act stick,leaf,nest,flower,root,trunk,a twig or branch that is broken or cut off still,noisy,motion,loud,night,whisper,without sound; quiet; silent stop,fast,slow,motion,start,catch,to keep from going on, continuing some activity, or moving in some way store,hospital,house,barn,money,buy,a place or business where things are sold strange,dangerous,wild,imagine,idea,fact,not known, seen, or heard before; not familiar street,trail,track,dirt,bridge,tunnel,a road in a city or town, often with the sidewalks and buildings along the sides suit,pants,shirt,jacket,skirt,blouse,a set of clothes that match surprise,hug,know,plan,party,jump,to cause to feel wonder by being unexpected swim,fly,float,run,crawl,sink,to move through water by moving the arms and legs or the fins, flippers, or tail swing,hug,rope,slide,jump,kneel,to move or sway back and forth take,throw,give,lose,drop,leave,to get hold of; grasp talk,cry,sob,hum,whistle,read,to say words or put ideas in words; speak tall,heavy,important,weight,small,little,reaching a long way up; not low or short teach,smart,clever,read,talk,watch,to show or help to learn how to do something tell,cry,sob,whistle,hum,read,to put into words; say thank,give,help,praise,take,aid,to say that one is grateful to another person for something good or useful think,brain,idea,fact,real,smart,to use the mind thread,needle,button,thimble,cloth,knit,a very thin cord used in sewing throw,dance,drop,swish,though,wave,to send through the air by a fast motion of the arm time,clock,minute,hour,day,year,the past, present, and future; every moment that has ever been or ever will be tired,alert,awake,asleep,fresh,rest,worn-out; weary tooth,gum,nose,lip,tongue,mouth,any of the white bony parts that grow from the jaws and are used for biting and chewing top,bottom,tall,long,short,big,the highest part or point town,office,country,park,state,street,a place with houses, stores, and other buildings. It is larger than a village, but smaller than a city train,truck,track,caboose,wheel,cart,a line of connected railroad cars that is pulled by a locomotive tree,flower,leaf,stem,root,bark,a large, woody plant with a long trunk and many branches in the upper part trip,jump,laugh,run,skip,hop,to stumble or cause to stumble true,guess,promise,smart,clever,idea,agreeing with the facts; not false trunk,leaf,shrub,root,flower,bark,the main stem of a tree turtle,shark,lizard,beaver,octopus,lobster,an animal with a soft body covered by a hard shell. It can pull its head, tail, and legs into its shell to protect itself twin,father,family,cousin,pair,triplet,either of two children born at the same time to the same mother use,carry,hold,stop,keep,ready,to put or bring into service or action village,city,street,office,farm,state,a group of houses in the country, smaller than a town visit,leave,stay,walk,over,phone,to go or come to see someone out of friendship or for business reasons voice,whistle,hum,sneeze,yell,air,sound made through the mouth, especially by human beings in talking or singing wait,weight,move,leave,come,boring,to stay in a place or to do nothing while expecting a certain thing to happen wake,dream,rest,snore,nap,pillow,to come or bring out of sleep warm,ice,burn,smoke,melt,freeze,having or giving off a little heat; not cool but not hot watch,listen,hear,smell,touch,taste,to look at wave,hug,cut,hang,kneel,spin,to move up and down or back and forth in a curving motion wear,warm,keep,hat,clothes,hold,to have or carry on the body week,weak,month,calendar,holiday,weekend,a period of seven days weigh,way,heavy,light,pound,big,to find out the weight of by using a scale wide,tall,short,big,deep,weight,measuring from side to side wind,wave,swing,mend,walk,handle,to turn something around itself or around something else window,wall,roof,floor,stair,fan,an opening in a building, car, or other thing, for letting in light and air wing,claw,beak,eye,leg,tail,one of a pair of parts covered with feathers that a bird spreads out from its sides in flying wolf,beaver,deer,mole,cow,lion,a wild animal that looks like a dog wonder,expect,know,plan,common,idea,something so unusual that it causes surprise or amazement wood,would,leaf,flower,grass,seed,the hard material beneath the bark of trees and shrubs world,sky,air,sun,ocean,cloud,the earth write,right,ink,paint,picture,stamp,to form letters or words on a surface with something such as a pen or pencil wrong,guess,hope,believe,fact,judge,not the one that is true, correct, or wanted yes,no,never,wrong,guess,do,it is so young,boy,girl,family,parent,tired,being in an early part of life or growth; not old zoo,farm,barn,country,city,pasture,a place where wild animals are kept for the public to see